What is OMM?

“Direct Primary Care (DPC) is what a primary medical practice should be.” ~Dr. Schuster

Osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM), the foundation/a cornerstone of training for every Doctor of Osteopathy, is a comprehensive approach to health care that applies the osteopathic philosophy, structural diagnosis, and the use of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) in the diagnosis and ongoing care of patients. As osteopathic physicians, training in OMM imparts a fuller understanding of how an injury or illness in one part of the body can affect another.  The combination of all other medical procedures with OMM allows Dr. Schuster to offer his patients comprehensive care, placing them on a path to better health.

Who can benefit from osteopathic manipulative medicine?

There is not a limit to who can benefit from OMM. Dr. Schuster treats infants, children, teenagers, and adults. You may be a parent, a former or current athlete, suffer from a myriad of health issues, be ready for your golden years, or even be in reasonably good health and be a person who would benefit from seeing Dr. Schuster. OMM allows Dr. Schuster to help patients manage their health in good times and in bad times. He works with patients to improve their ability to function well on a daily basis.

What conditions can OMM treat?

OMM provides a necessary and critical dimension to standard medical care. It is highly effective in offering a non-invasive advantage to diagnosing and treating patients. Common forms of medical care like medications or surgery are important pieces to patient care, but Dr. Schuster use of OMM ensures that the whole of a patient is considered. The following are conditions that benefit from OMM care:


  • Back, neck, joint, or nerve pain
  • Sports injury pain
  • Pregnancy associated pain
  • Headaches
  • TMJ
  • Herniated discs

Chronic Conditions

  • Chronic infections
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Neurological disorders

Trauma-related conditions

  • Head trauma
  • Concussion
  • Repetitive motion conditions

Dr. Schuster

With over 23 years of treating patients, Dr. Schuster brings his vast knowledge base, along with extensive experience to every patient he treats. As president-elect of the American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO) patients are seeing one the leading physicians in the osteopathic field of medicine. Dr. Schuster ensures that each patient is treated compassionately and as a whole person. Each and every part of patient care is coordinated by Dr. Schuster, leading his patients towards a lifetime of good health.


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