Doctors of osteopathic medicine adjust a patient’s body tissues to restore balance in the body. Every human body encounters difficult times when the motor system doesn’t work as efficiently as it should. With osteopathic manipulation techniques, we’re trying to bring the body back into harmony so it functions as well as it possibly can for that particular person. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email Dr. Schuster at
Dr. Schuster is an Osteopathic Physician specializing in family medicine, osteopathy, holistic medicine, and OMT. Located on the Northeast side of Indianapolis, he provides individualized treatments for patients in Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, Noblesville, Lawrence, Geist, Greenwood, Anderson, Zionsville, Greenfield, Shelbyville, McCordsville, Beech Grove, New Palestine, and surrounding Central Indiana areas.
To learn more visit our OMM page.
Related Topics: Osteopathic Medicine, Videos, Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, DO vs MD, Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), Doctor of Osteopathy, Fishers Doctor of Osteopathy, Westfield Doctor of Osteopathy, Noblesville Doctor of Osteopathy, New Palestine Doctor of Osteopathy, McCordsville Doctor of Osteopathy, Lawrence Doctor of Osteopathy, Greenfield Doctor of Osteopathy, Central Indiana Doctor of Osteopathy, Arthritis Treatment